Covenant’s free youth ministry course offers a theological and practical approach to youth ministry in the church, and practical principles for overseeing a youth ministry. The class lectures cover a range of topics including . . .
- your identity in youth ministry,
- understanding youth culture,
- developing a mission statement,
- building a ministry team,
- relational skills necessary for a relational youth ministry,
- plannning, and
- administration of youth ministry in the local church.
Purpose-Driven Youth Ministry - Slightly Imperfect (Doug Fields)
Starting Right: Thinking Theologically About Youth Ministry Edited by Kenda Creasy Dean & Dave Rahn)
Connecting (Larry Crabb)
Covenant’s youth ministry course web page also lists more than twenty additional courses they offer free to the public. Please note that the courses offered do not necessarily reflect an Apostolic perspective; however, some courses are general in their content and worth checking out. The sharing of this information is not an endorsement of Covenant Theological Seminary.
I am a member of the UPC in my area (F.Oglethorpe, GA), but I can't explain the information presented on this site. Can you help me?
Elizabeth is not a Oneness/Apostolic/UPC friendly website. The best person to assist you in getting a true Biblical answer is your UPC Pastor, a member of your Pastoral Team, or a well grounded elder in your local Church. Also, the Pentecostal Publishing House has several books by fine men like David Bernard & Talmadge French that can help you gain additional understanding in the area of Jesus Name baptism.
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